Saturday, September 4, 2010

So heres the deal . . .

    I was given a new camera for mother's day.  This one is supposed to idiot proof easy for me to understand.  But the problem I found isn't with the camera (I have been able to take the pictures just fine) it is something that happens, or should say doesn't happen, between the camera and the computer. I know I am to blame.  It is my fault, so if it's to be fixed it is completely up to me to do so. The issue I have is I am running out of ideas of how to get that done.   I have had my husband, my daughter, and I'm embarrassed to say I have even paid someone to help me - but it just doesn't click.
   I have one solution but I am afraid is like waiting for a cure for the common cold (probably won't happen in my life time).  Have you ever bought anything from Ikea? Everything you have to put together comes with these uber easy to understand directions.  Basically they are little stick people taking you step by step through the entire procedure.  The print is huge, the steps numbered and if you get stuck you just call for help.  Think 'manual for a kindergartner's crayola box'.  Brilliant!
      Now in contrast to the wonderful Ikea example I have given you this is what my manual looks like.
      Seriously, I am toast. And this blog may just become a casualty.  Sad. I would of rocked as a 80s women, but I'm not holding my own very well in 2010.  Any suggestion?   Remember keep 'em simple!


  1. This is awful and if I was not a girl of the 70s I would help you. My IT dept is headed by my 12 year old, but it sounds like you have already gone the route of the younger generation. I hope you get it fixed. I want to see some stitching magic from you. :)

  2. Aw, Tami, so sad because I can see by reading through it that your blog was already shaping into something awesome!

  3. tami.
    you make
    me smile!

    hire a 13
    year old!
    happy day!

  4. It's conspiracy I tell ya!, all these manuals are written by men! I had the same problem with my little Cam. I even called up the manufacturer and asked them questions & they were pretty happy to help, they also have a section on line that gave help.Mind you I still pretty much wing my way through it! I mean what is it with all those icons? hardly any of them look like what they mean.Hope you work it out. xXx
