Sunday, May 23, 2010


It's funny how we all have certain routines. I start and end most every day the same way. I open my shutters and look out my bedroom window (usually with my toothbrush in hand) to get a first or last look at my garden for that day. This is done mostly out of habit I'm sure, since I'm pretty limited in what I can do with a foaming brush swirling away in my mouth, but I have also come to realize that I really enjoy the perspective it gives me.

From my bedroom window my garden always looks good. Because of the distance I am unable to see any flaws. I can not obsess over the weeds that have sprouted since the last rain, or the bunny who likes to nest in my strawberry patch. There are no signs of critters digging under the fencing or seedlings that refused to come up. In fact I can not even recall a time when I looked out and was not pleased with it's progress. It's like it is always waiting for me - and thankfully (for a distant view) holding it's own quit nicely!